
Who's Got A Fever? Citizens.

Tue, Apr 12 2011 by Staff

Recall Fever is sweeping the nation, Paul Jacob explains in today’s edition of Common Sense:

On Why Initiatives Matter

Tue, Apr 5 2011 — Source: The Citizen

One of the checks Mis­souri vot­ers have on the power of state politi­cians is in jeop­ardy: Sen. Jolie Jus­tus (D–Kansas City) is tak­ing aim at the initiative-petition process, which allows Mis­souri­ans to band together to put laws and con­sti­tu­tional amend­ments on the statewide ballot. This is incred­i­bly impor­tant, because some pol­icy changes that would greatly ben­e­fit Mis­souri can be so polit­i­cally unvi­able that politi­cians won’t pro­pose them. Peti­tions cir­cu­lat­ing this year would limit emi­nent domain and impose term lim­its on top state officials.

Read the story from The Citizen

Don't Be Fooled

Fri, Apr 1 by Anonymous

We have long seen the value of protecting the right to petition, but now special interests and lawmakers have come around, too!

[Click to Watch!]

april fools

Ok, maybe not.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Thu, Mar 17 2011 by Staff

For those of you who are Irish and those of you who are not, Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

I haven’t been able to find anything about St Patrick’s day that’s related to initiative & referendum yet, but if you know of anything feel free to pass it along.

Eirinn go Brach!


Citizens in Charge has a new video up on our YouTube channel. We talked with some of our board members about why they support citizen initiative rights and Citizens in Charge.

Check it out.

board vid

If you weren’t able to make it to the 2010 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy and U.S. Conference on I&R last summer in San Francisco but still want to hear all the great speakers and debate, now is your chance.

The 8 part DVD series is available for purchase here.

conf dvd

With a constitutional amendment that would make it far more difficult to enact future constitutional amendments – especially through Colorado’s citizen initiative process – already passed by the State Senate and now pending on the floor of the House of Representatives, Citizens in Charge Foundation, a national voter rights group (and a partner organization to Citizens in Charge), today issued a report entitled, “Five Facts about Amending Colorado’s Constitution.”

National group U.S. Term Limits has joined the broad coalition of voices denouncing the Colorado General Assembly’s special interest-fueled attack on citizen initiative rights. From a statement released yesterday:

CPAC 2011

Wed, Feb 9 2011 by Staff

If you happen to be in DC this Thursday through Saturday make sure to come say hello and grab some information from our booth at CPAC 2011. We’ll be there all three days in the exhibition hall talking with citizens about initiative & referendum rights and how they can use them.

Hope to see you there.

The Gipper Turns 100

Sun, Feb 6 2011 by Paul Jacob

Here’s one for the Gipper! Today, the late former President Ronald Reagan would have been 100 years young.

To celebrate his birthday, we at Citizens in Charge highlight his support for initiative and referendum. In 1980, in a letter to New Jersey activist Sam Perelli, Reagan wrote, “George Bush and I congratulate you on your efforts to attain, for the people of New Jersey, the right to initiative and referendum. We urge you to keep up your fight and we endorse your efforts.”

Alright fellow petition fans it’s time for you to weigh in on one of the most pressing issues of the next 48 hours…VOTE VOTE VOTE!

Who is going to win the Big Game this weekend in Dallas?



In a story out of Oklahoma, a state representative is proposing a bill that would force those looking to put a measure on the ballot to also propose how to fund the measure. From the Tulsa Beacon:

State Question 744 could not have reached the ballot if legislation filed this month by state Rep. Pat Ownbey had been in place.

House Bill 1225 would require initiative petitions that mandate new spending to identify a funding source. Those submitting the petition would have to include a statement “outlining all sources of funding to be used in the measure.”

If you’re interested in watching The Commonwealth Foundation 2011 Policy Summit going on in Harrisburg, PA you can do so here. They’ll be discussing Pennsylvania’s future regarding school choice, budgets and other state issues.