

As an overwhelming number of Coloradans say they support a ballot initiative to abolish race and gender preferences, an opposition campaign designed to confuse voters hinges on half-truths and deception. Don’t be fooled.

The United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 7 said Wednesday it is removing two of its four potential ballot questions, including one that would increase commercial property tax by 5 percent and another that would require employers to provide annual cost-of-living increases.

The measures were filed in response to Amendment 47, a so-called right-to-work ballot initiative that would bar unions from collecting mandatory dues in workplaces that engage in collective bargaining.

A man who has shown a video of what he claims is an alien visitor to earth to bolster his case for greater public scrutiny of UFOs is to take his campaign to the Democratic Party convention in August, where Barack Obama will formally win the presidential nomination.

Jeff Peckman revealed a video of what he believes is an extra-terrestrial, at a press conference in Denver, Colorado.

A video that purportedly shows a living, breathing space alien will be shown to the news media Friday in Denver.

Jeff Peckman, who is pushing a ballot initiative to create an extraterrestrial affairs commission in Denver to prepare the city for close encounters of the alien kind, said the video is authentic and convinced him that aliens exist.

A new law that at first blush appears to be upholding a societal good — telling the truth — but is actually the sledge hammer of the state coming down to swat a fly, became effective in Arizona last week.

Most of House Bill 2288, which Gov. Janet Napolitano signed into law on Tuesday, reads as necessary housekeeping to the processes of initiative and referendum petitioning.

Gov. Bill Ritter on Friday issued his second veto of the year, striking down a bill that would have required paid signature-gatherers for candidates or ballot initiatives to be Colorado residents, free of certain felony records.

The bill, House Bill 1406, also would have required the signature- gatherers to receive education on the measures for which they were collecting signatures. Sponsors said they hoped the bill would bring more credibility to the large petition drives that hunt for tens of thousands of signatures each election cycle to place a measure on the ballot.

Well-known local political consultants will square off over a ballot initiative that would increase oil and gas tax revenue and create a huge college scholarship fund.

David Kenney, an influential political insider who backed Ritter and worked on John Hickenlooper’s reelection campaign, will be the campaign manager for the initiative.

He said the campaign will be called “A Smarter Colorado” and will be funded by conservation, renewable energy and education advocacy groups.

The rough political road for a proposed state-budget fix got even rougher Monday as Gov. Bill Ritter stopped short of endorsing it and the group expected to propel it to November’s ballot expressed concern about funding, timing and other issues.

“I don’t know ultimately … if we’re going to have the coalition together to put that on the ballot,” Ritter said Monday of House Speaker Andrew Romanoff’s plan in his monthly appearance on the Mike Rosen Show on KOA 850.

Colorado lawmakers are debating whether to ask voters this fall if it should be harder to change the state’s constitution in the future. The Senate Concurrent Resolution has already passed the Senate with two-thirds of the chamber in support and is expected to pass out of a House committee Tuesday afternoon.

Education advocates file for ballot initiative

Facing resistance in the Legislature, education advocates may be taking their case for a partial Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights repeal directly to the voters.

Speaker of the House Andrew Romanoff introduced a bill this week to take parts of two sacred cows out of the state constitution - TABOR, which limits how much money the state can collect, and Amendment 23, which requires increased spending on education.

Organizers of a ballot initiative to make Colorado a right-to-work state filed signatures Wednesday to put the issue before voters in November despite pleas from Gov. Bill Ritter and others to stand down.

Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper said that he now believed it was too late to stop a showdown between business and labor at the ballot box in November and that he would focus his efforts on urging voters to defeat all the proposals backed by business groups and unions.

So, you’ve decided, in consultation with your doctors, to use the benefits of modern technology to have a child. You’re in-vitro-fertilized eggs now “live” at a lab facility, and soon, via implantation, you hope pregnancy will result.

Antiabortion activists in several states are promoting constitutional amendments that would define life as beginning at conception, which could effectively outlaw all abortions and some birth control methods.

If Colorado for Equal Rights for Human Life and other anti-abortion groups can wrangle 76,000 signatures in the next six months, theirs could be the first state in the nation to vote on whether a fertilized egg should legally be considered a person. Despite resistance from abortion-rights groups, the Colorado Supreme Court on November 13 approved the ballot measure — 40 years after Colorado became the first state to relax abortion laws — giving a boost to a conservative political movement that has worked doggedly for decades to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Pro-life human rights activists in Colorado may be on the verge of a major breakthrough in the struggle against the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. The group Colorado for Equal Rights received permission from a unanimous vote Tuesday in the state Supreme Court to begin collecting the signatures needed to bring forward a ballot initiative that would grant the status of legal personhood to the unborn.