Omaha World Herald

An attempt to eliminate the state agency that resolves labor disputes involving public employees could be headed for next year’s ballot. Gov. Dave Heineman warned Tuesday that an initiative petition drive to eliminate the Nebraska Commission of Industrial Relations is likely if current attempts to overhaul the CIR fail. “If the Legislature doesn’t act, I can almost assure you, you are going to see a very well-funded, organized effort to put this issue on the ballot,” he said.

Read the story from the Omaha World Herald

Omaha Mayor Jim Suttle says he has gotten the message. Suttle narrowly survived a recall effort Tuesday, less than 20 months after taking office. Victorious but chastened, he said he plans to do a better job communicating with Omahans. Suttle said he wants to help bring the city together. “There is no doubt we have weathered some stormy waters and engaged in spirited debate, but tonight we must begin a time of healing and reconciliation,” said Suttle, with his family and supporters gathered on the stage.

Read the story from the Omaha World Herald