Bangor Daily News

Six years before Maine utility companies are required to get at least 10 percent of their power from renewable energy sources, a coalition of Maine businesses, organizations and individuals is trying to get that amount doubled. And if the Maine Citizens for Clean Energy coalition gets its way, Maine’s utilities would have just three more years to do it.

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Concerns about the integrity of Maine’s ballot initiative process have prompted action on a bill to tighten the requirements for organizations behind petition campaigns. The House on Monday agreed with the Senate and approved a measure requiring businesses that receive compensation for circulating petitions to register with the Secretary of State.

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By now, each side could make the other’s point. Question 2 on the November referendum ballot would reduce Maine’s automobile excise tax on newer vehicles and offer an estimated $80 million in tax relief. To the initiative’s supporters, it’s that simple. “Vote yes, pay less,” Chris Cinquemani, chairman of the Yes on 2 campaign, repeated at a forum Wednesday in Brewer.

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A City Council subcommittee debated at length Tuesday about whether Bangor should come out in opposition of two polarizing statewide referendum questions, but the discussion largely focused on whether taking a clear position was prudent action.

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