Alabama: Initiative and referendum is good for Alabama and her citizens

Fri, May 23 2014 — Source:

Citizens in 26 states and thousands of cities have a greater voice than Alabamians because our legislative process permits trumping 9-5 working voices with well-funded special interest groups.  As a result, many citizens have apathetically surrendered their civic duty asking “Why vote, does it matter?”

It does matter.  Moreover, that solution is rests with our legislature.  The ability to create a “citizen friendly” state along with the “business friendly” state touted by Speaker Mike Hubbard is solely theirs.  Their unwillingness to provide citizens a vote on Initiative and Referendum (I&R), the capability for citizens to be more involved in state government, is self-preservation.

Women suffrage, child labor laws, poll tax prohibition, and recall in some states resulted from the people when their legislatures failed to act.  More recently, when life begins, eminent domain reform, death penalty abolishment, food safety, and educational reform have been on ballots due to citizen legislators.

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