I-517 Opponents Go Up on TV

Thu, Oct 24 2013 by Neal Hobson

With less than two weeks before the Nov. 5 election and early voting already well underway, the No on I-517 PAC has gone up with a statewide television advertising campaign. While it is not clear precisely how much is being spent on the TV buy, the No on I-517 group has raised over $500,000 with almost all the funding coming from four sources: Washington Retail Association ($105,000), Kroger, Inc. ($103,000), Safeway, Inc. ($103,000) and the Washington Food Industry Association ($80,000).

The No on I-517 television spot shows signature gatherers harassing people, while an announcer says: “Get ready. With Tim Eyman’s Initiative 517, paid signature gatherers will have free reign – inside stadiums, zoos, libraries, wherever they want, even if they violate property rights. 517 grants signature gatherers such special rights that restricting them in any way is a crime. And under 517 every initiative with enough signatures would qualify even if it’s clearly illegal or unconstitutional. Vote No on Initiative 517 before we can never say no again.”

Of course, the points made in the ad are ridiculous exaggerations when not outright falsehoods. But Yes on I-517 doesn’t appear to have the financial resources to counter this late advertising blitz by business interests.

The Elway Poll from early September showed 58 percent of Washington voters in favor of I-517 and 22 percent opposed.

King 5 TV Seattle: Latest Eyman initiative has turned some former opponents into supporters

No on I-517 Ad

Ballotpedia: Initiative 517

KOMO TV Seattle: State voters to decide fate of the ‘initiative on initiatives’